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Hey kids! Today we’re going to talk about a way of thinking about how we use our resources to create things we want and need and it’s called Austrian economics.

Imagine that you really want to see your favorite band perform in concert. But when you go to buy your ticket, you find out that they’ve printed way more tickets than there are seats in the stadium! Printing extra tickets doesn’t magically create more seats.

The same thing happens with money. Printing extra money doesn’t create more things we can buy. Money needs to be in balance with the goods you buy with it. When there’s too much money chasing too few goods and services, prices start going up and it becomes harder for people to afford the things they need.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution and it’s called Austrian economic theory. It says that we can create economic value by using our resources efficiently and producing things that people want and need.

Understanding Fiat Money

Fiat money is a type of money that’s created out of thin air. That means it’s not backed by anything like gold or silver. It only has value because the government says it does. It’s as if you drew a picture of a dollar bill and said it was worth a dollar. It would only have value if people trusted you!

The opposite of fiat money is called gold standard money. It means that each dollar is worth a certain amount of gold. When money is backed by gold, the government can’t just make more of it. Fiat money lets the government print as much as they want and this leads to inflation.

But how does the government print all this money? Through something called the central bank, which is like the boss of all the banks. The central bank decides how much money to print, and affects how much people can borrow. This, in turn, affects how much things cost, and the rate the economy grows.

Inflation and Its Effects

Inflation is a big word that means rising prices. And when prices go up, the money you have in your pocket buys less stuff than it used to. This is because when there’s more money floating around, people have to pay more for things, and businesses have to charge higher prices.

Inflation is caused by an increase in the money supply without a corresponding increase in the amount of goods and services. Remember when we talked about buying a ticket to a concert and how they printed more tickets than there were seats? The same thing happens when there’s too much money around – it loses its value because there’s not enough stuff to buy with it.

Inflation means that the money you have saved up won’t go as far, making it harder to buy things you need like food, clothes. It also makes it hard for businesses to make a profit, which leads to job losses.

Inflation affects different groups of people in different ways too. People who work hard and save their money, get hit really hard by inflation because their savings lose value. On the other hand, people who owe money, actually benefit from inflation because they pay back the debt with dollars that are worth less then when the took out the debt.

Here are some other effects of inflation:

  • Reduced Investment: Inflation reduces the rate of return on investment because it erodes the real value of money over time. This discourages investors from making long-term investments and leads to decreased economic growth.
  • Increased Interest Rates: Inflation leads to an increase in interest rates, as lenders will seek to protect themselves from the erosion of the value of money over time. Higher interest rates have a negative impact on borrowing and spending, which leads to a slowing down of the economy.
  • Decreased International Competitiveness: High inflation rates lead to a decrease in the competitiveness of a country’s exports because their prices will be relatively higher compared to other countries with lower inflation rates.

The Solution: Capitalism

Don’t worry, there’s a solution to the problem and it’s called capitalism!

Capitalism is a fancy word that means a free market system where people buy and sell goods and services without the government controlling everything. In a free market, businesses compete with each other to make the best products at the lowest prices. This competition encourages innovation and creativity, which leads to increased productivity and more goods and services for everyone to enjoy.

One of the coolest things about capitalism is that it encourages people to create value. Economic value is when people make things that other people want or need. They then sell those things so they can afford to buy something else of value that they want or need. This is what makes the economy work and helps make the world a better place!

In a capitalist system, the money supply is backed by something tangible, like gold. This prevents the government from printing more money out of thin air like they do with fiat money. This helps prevent inflation which is good for everyone.


In conclusion, we have learned about the dangers of fiat money and inflation, and how it affects our economy and our lives. It’s important to understand that printing more money doesn’t magically create more value, just like printing more tickets doesn’t magically create more seats at a concert. We also learned about the benefits of capitalism, including how it promotes competition and innovation and prevents all the bad things that come with inflation.

It’s important for us to embrace capitalism and understand its principles to promote a healthy and stable economy. So, let’s remember to make wise decisions with our money, and support businesses that provide us with quality goods and services. With a good understanding of Austrian economic theory, we can build a brighter future for ourselves and our communities.

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